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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aussie guy sells kisses for one dollar

MELBOURNE: In a unique business enterprise, a 24 year-old single
Australian guy is selling smooches for a dollar.

Lachlan Christie, 24, is selling kisses outside the Queen Victoria Building for almost two weeks now, and usually aims to make 5 to 10 dollars every day.

The street performer, claims it to be part of a social experiment, "I'm doing it as a social experiment to get a chance to see people's reactions," he was quoted by The Herald Sun.

"It's mainly for the reaction ... to break down boundaries and challenge social norms," he added.

"I've sold three kisses in the past 50 minutes," he claimed. But added that women were quite reluctant to receive kisses on the lips.

"I want some brave girls to come up," he said. Presently single, he denies he is fishing for a girlfriend.

"A lot of people want to give me money but don't want a kiss. Once I get more well known, hopefully business will boom. It's great toeing the line of whether people think you're serious or not."

Lachlan is apparently inspired by Sydney's Free Hugs Man, who is known by the pseudonym Juan Mann.

The "Free Hugs" movement started at Pitt St Mall in 2004, which later became a rage worldwide.
Source:: Times of india

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