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Friday, August 28, 2009

Sex up your Friday eve!

After a gruelling Monday to Friday cycle, don’t we eagerly wait for the weekend? Definitely, we do, for the simple reason that moments lost during the week can be made up over the weekend by chilling out and spending some ‘together-time’ with the one we love.
But what couples usually do over a weekend is nothing beyond shopping; watching a movie or a candle light dinner if getting romantic is on their mind. But doesn’t it sound tad boring? It’s time to break the monotony guys! Rather than doing the ‘done-to-death’ things, try doing these simple things together this weekend and pep up the love quotient of your relationship.
Watch a movie in bed
There is no better way to unwind on a weekend than watching a movie together. Rather than going to a multiplex, enjoy a romantic movie with your partner, all snuggled up in your bed. There is an array of mushy classics which you can choose from. Movies like Pretty Woman, City of Angles, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally can be romantic enough. Dipesh and Jyoti, both journalists with the national daily Indian Express add, “We are big movie buffs and love catching upon the latest flicks but it’s very difficult to take out time for one on weekdays, thanks to our busy schedule. Therefore, we make a list of all the movies that we want to catch over the week and arrange the DVDs in advance. The best part of watching a movie at home is that we can enjoy the movie in complete privacy and relaxing in the comfort of our homes and not to mention that it’s cheap and saves us from the maddening traffic on the road.”
Relationship expert Mahima Mathur says, “Since both the partners are usually working these days, it is very important to take time out for each other. Spending quality time on a weekend is a very good idea provided you use it to your advantage.”
Cook a meal
Cooking something together is another way to bond with your partner if you decide on a low-key Friday night. Regardless of what you cook, the main goal is to break the routine and do something different. Agrees Manorama Jha, a financial consultant, “After following the strict 9 to 5 routine from Monday to Friday, I feel bored and stressed out. We usually go out for dinner on a Saturday but after a point, even that feels like a job. Then on one Saturday, my kids went for a birthday party and me and my wife felt too lazy to step out and decided to prepare a quick meal together. To our surprise the simple act of cooking turned into a pleasurable experience. We soon realised that how desperately we wanted that intimate time just for ourselves.”
“Cooking has a positive effect on many and often acts as a de-stressor for those who are looking for some creative recreation. Couples need time out from routine chores to enjoy the small things in life. It doesn’t matter even if you are not an expert chef. Just by taking interest in each other and doing something together can spark the romance,” explains Mahima.
Clean the house together
A new study say that married women have more housework than singles (and it even goes so far as to suggest this is the husband's fault!). So guys devote a weekend or may be just an evening to clean the house together.
“My wife is a cleanliness freak, she just loves cleaning up the house on a Sunday. Initially I used to loath this habit of hers but slowly when I started pitching in I realised that it can be quite relaxing and gratifying feeling.”
Marriage counselor Anu Goel suggests, “Play your favorite music and make a date out of it. Not only you’ll find good amount of ‘together-time’, the bonus is you get clean digs at the end of it.”
Read a book
A book provides the nuance of imagination, and therefore a lively discussion of your individual interpretations allows you to get to know each other better. Neha Bhasin, a lawyer recalls, “I am always cribbing about the fact that I have so less time to pursue my hobby. I just love reading books but I am always pressed for time. My husband, who works with a MNC also sympathises with me. But it was a great surprise when he got me the current best seller of the month. He also got a help guide on How to make your marriage work which both of us thoroughly enjoyed reading together.”
“If you really, absolutely, truly don't have time to read, then make time because reading improves your concentration. And it is a fantastic way to spend quality time with your sweet heart, and can be a bonding experience”, says Anu Goel.
Make a fitness date
Couple that plays together stays together. Turn play time into an exercise routine. Heena Mal and Jai Sharma share their experience, “There is a lovely park just a few blocks away from our house. But however, hard we may try; we fail to follow a fitness routine because of our erratic working hours. Therefore, on weekends we religiously go for our workout session and just love the open space and fresh air.”
Ashish Suri, a gym instructor adds, “A workout together will raise your endorphins and make you feel good about yourselves and each other. You can choose from bicycling, yoga or aerobics. Even going for a long walk holding hand in hand is also a good option.”
Get out of the city
It sounds so obvious, but no weekend ever seems to be the right one. Nilabh Singh who works with a Event Management company tells, “I often go for impromptu trips to the hills with my wife because it gives us that peace and ‘us’ time that it so hard to find in a city life. Hills give you that feeling of being one with nature which is such a high.” Agrees Vandana Mathur, a teacher with South Point, Kolkata, “I love the beach and whenever I feel saturated I hit to the beach on a weekend with my husband. Let me tell you that watching the sunset together with your partner can be so romantic.”
Sonia Bhasin, a travel agent suggests, “Just go online and you will find a number of travel sites. Book some inexpensive last minute travel, and drop everything else to go enjoy some sweet, sweet time together.”
Source ::times of india

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