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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chiru’s image worries PR


Oct. 12: The Praja Rajyam leaders are worried over the lukewarm response that the party chief, Mr K. Chiranjeevi, got when he toured Krishna and Guntur districts. Flood victims in both the districts were not very keen to explain their problems to Mr Chiranjeevi.
Lack of proper planning by district leaders and failure to give wide publicity to his tour were blamed for the poor response to the programme. The party high command is reportedly upset over the lack of interest among party leaders in organising the tour.
“Many flood victims have been shifted to relief centres. Some of them have gone to the houses of their relatives. That could be one of the reasons for the moderate response to Chiranjeevi’s tour. Moreover, fans and common people are not very interested to see an actor when they are in deep trouble,” a senior leader explained.
According to sources, Chiranjeevi did not visit many districts after the general elections as the cadres were not very enthusiastic.
He participated in an agitation against the Babli irrigation project constructed by the Maharashtra government. “Local PR leaders are not keen to make arrangements for Chiranjeevi’s tour as they have to spend lavishly. They always excuse themselves if any tour is planned in their respective areas,” said a PR source.
“After the demise of Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, Chiranjeevi is the lone leader who can attract huge masses. His tours will be successful if they are properly planned in advance. Tours are necessary to revitalise the PR as local body elections are scheduled for next year,” another leader said.

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