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Monday, October 12, 2009

No terror export: PM

Oct. 11: The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, speaking here on the final day of campaigning in Maharashtra for Tuesday’s Assembly election, categorically declared as “false” Pakistan’s accusations against India for allegedly fomenting terrorism in Balochistan, and said emphatically that this country was not in the business of “spreading” terror.

When asked at a press conference about Pakistan interior minister Rehman Malik’s allegations that India had a role in increasing terror activity in Balochistan, an angry Dr Singh shot back: “India is not in the business of exporting terrorism to Pakistan or any other country, and the people and government of Pakistan jolly well know this is a false accusation.”

Referring to the situation in India’s neighbourhood, in response to last week’s attack outside the Indian embassy in Kabul, the Prime Minister said: “We have to make adequate preparations to deal with the consequences of this overflow of terrorism from the neighbourhood to our country. We are taking all necessary steps in that direction, but it is still my belief that particularly Pakistan and (its) people and government should realise the great harm (their) patronisation of terror groups has done to South Asia.”

The Prime Minister also spoke at length on the “scourge of Naxalism”, reiterating his earlier stand that it was “the biggest internal threat that India faces right now”. He refused to bracket Naxals or Maoists with terrorists, ruled out use of the armed forces against them.

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