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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Maya plans to shuffle Cabinet


Sept. 7: To check the growing resentment among dallies and to improve the image of her government, UP chief minister Mayawati is preparing for a major Cabinet reshuffle later this month.
Though the date of the reshuffle has not yet been decided, sources said that it would be held after the ongoing period of “pitrapaksh” is over.
“Though Ms Mayawati does not believe in rituals, some of the would-be-ministers are averse to be sworn in during this inauspicious period. Besides, this is Ramzan period and any reshuffle will take place after it is over,” said an official. The chief minister, according to BSP sources, feels that some of the ministers in her council of ministers have not performed according to expectations, despite being warned on more than one occasion.
These ministers — most of whom are non-cadre leaders — have also been involved in cases of corruption, land grabbing and extortion and complaints of misbehaviour with party workers have also been pouring in. These ministers have been given several lessons in the party culture in the BSP but they have failed to mend their ways.
“These ministers will be shown the door and will be replaced by other persons of their caste because we do not wish to disturb the caste equilibrium in the council of ministers,” disclosed a senior party functionary. The dropped ministers will be given responsibilities in the party organisation.
The chief minister, apparently, is considerably disillusioned with the concept of social engineering because brahmins did not vote as per expectations for the BSP in the recent Lok Sabha poll

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