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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

UK Opposition immoral: Saif


Sept. 7: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown found support on Monday from Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son, who said that the Premier was not involved in release of the Lockerbie bomber.
“It couldn’t be discussed at a high level. It is not something that should be discussed at a leadership level,” Col. Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam told Sky News.
He also said British Opposition politicians were “disgusting” and “immoral” for using the release of Libyan intelligence agent Abdelbaset Mohammed Al Megrahi for personal gain.
“Politicians, both in the UK and America, are trying to use this human tragedy — both Mr Megrahi and the families — for their own political agenda. It’s a tragedy. It’s completely immoral,” he said.
“This is what happened in London in particular. There are political parties fighting each other, preparing themselves for the next election, and they are trying to use this tragedy for their agenda. They are disgusting,” he added.
Mr Brown is setting up a dedicated foreign office team to assist the IRA victims demanding compensation from Libya over alleged arms supplies to the IRA. However, Mr Al Islam said Libya would resist demands for compensation.
“Anyone can knock on our door. You go to the court. They have their lawyers. We have our lawyers,” he said. To add to the Lockerbie confusion, education secretary Ed Balls claimed to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that no one in the Brown Cabinet was in favour of Megrahi release.

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